TOGO: Curiosities

TOGO: Curiosities

In the Lomé market you will find saleswomen known as Mama Benz. Do you know why? Lomé (if you want to know more, click here), the capital of Togo, has one of the largest markets in West Africa. The Grand Marché is characterized by being located right next to its...
TOGO: Practical information and its essentials

TOGO: Practical information and its essentials

Capital: Lomé Area: 56.790 km2 Inhabitants: 8.849.000 inhabitants (2022) Population density: 155,82 inhabitants per km2.  Languages: Togo is a country where French is the most spoken language. Although it was a German protectorate until the First World War, the...
TOGO: Kpalimé, a green and rural paradise of Togo

TOGO: Kpalimé, a green and rural paradise of Togo

Kpalimé is the hiking area par excellence in Togo. Located right next to the Ghanaian border, it is an area full of rural villages between mountains, waterfalls, rivers and a green landscape that forms one of the most visited places in the country by nature lovers....
TOGO: Lomé, the strategic center of Togo

TOGO: Lomé, the strategic center of Togo

Lomé is the capital of Togo and the main city of the country. This country was mainly inhabited by the Ewé tribe, a tribe that was forced to sign an agreement with the Germans in 1884 for their territory to become part of their protectorate. The Germans imported...
TOGO: Kara and northern Togo

TOGO: Kara and northern Togo

Kara is one of the most important cities in Togo. In fact, we could say that it is the most important city in the central and northern part of the country. With a population of around 100,000, it is a city where mostly people of Kabyé origin live. This is one of the...