Capital: Nairobi Superficie: 580.367 km2 Inhabitants: 47.600.000 inhabitants (2019) Population density: 82,02 inhabitants per km2. Languages: The official languages of Kenya are Swahili and English. In school, these two languages are learned while the...
The coast of Kenya is one of the most spectacular areas in the country. It has been one of the most strategic points in the history of East Africa. From there, many caravans of explorers set out to enter inland Africa. There are many powers that have fought for this...
Kakamega Forest is the only preserved area in Kenya of the tropical forest ring that crosses all of Africa, from Guinea to the Indian Ocean through the Congo. Located in the west of the country, it is a rather unknown option in terms of tourism, but very nice to...
Lake Nakuru is a national park that stands out for the presence of flamingos, pelicans and birds. You can also find hippos and herds of buffalo approaching the water to cool off. In addition, it is one of the few places in Kenya where rhinos can still be seen in the...
Kenya is the world’s third largest producer of tea, surpassed by China and India; but, on the other hand, it is the country that exports the most tea from all over the world. It mainly exports to most Arab countries and to some European countries such as...
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